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Ercnard Sieghart

Special Ability

Sieg Ragebar

Sieghart’s Rage Bar

Status Sieghart Rage

Sieghart in Rage Mode

Rage Bar

Sieghart’s Rage is similar to Jin‘s Burning. They both require charging and may be activated to temporarily give the character enhanced stats. However, the method of charging and the bonuses given are different.

When not in Rage Mode, Sieghart’s Rage bar fills up on its own (45 seconds for Prime Knight, 30 seconds for others), by attacking (Dungeon only; does not work in PvP), or by getting attacked. However, using skills can halt the bar for its duration.

When the Rage bar is filled to at least the length of around two full MP bars, the X command can trigger his Rage Mode, surrounding him in an aura of darkness. While in this state, Sieghart gains super armor (resistance to stun and knockdown), increased speed, increased damage (x1.1), altered defense (increased damage taken for Prime Knight, reduced damage taken for others) and altered/enhanced skills. Also, the Rage Bar continuously drains, but using skills will temporarily halt the draining. When fully charged, Rage Mode lasts approximately 5.6 seconds, whilst for Prime Knight it lasts 10.

Animation wise, Gladiator and Warlord have to bend down to “pick up” the rage, while Duelist and Prime Knightjust shouts it on. Prime Knight’s also causes a shockwave effect to nearby foes. Sieghart is invincible during the animation, but the Rage gauge will continue to drain.

Only the Duelist, Prime Knight and Gladiator Skill Tree get moves that consume Rage, and only the Prime Knight has a move that consumes Rage even in Rage mode.

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