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Amy Plie

Special Ability


Status Amy Performance

Amy’s Dancing/Performance/Drama Stance

Status Amy Fighting

Amy’s Fighting Stance

Unlike most characters, Amy has two combat styles: Dancing/Performance/Drama and Fighting. The X command is used to switch between the two.

Unlike Arme‘s and Ronan‘s Black/White Magic, Amy’s stances extend to her entire moveset rather than only her skills. This gives her a wide variety of abilities to use in combat to not only devastate the enemy but also to confuse them.

In Dancing/Performance/Drama Stance, Amy uses the respective ability to buff her allies, debuff her enemies and/or apply it in combat. In Fighting Stance, she applies those abilities in a more aggressive and offensive manner.

Ryan as Vanquisher also possesses two combat styles in a similar manner to Amy.

Power Recharge Dance

Power Recharge Dance

When the taunt D command is executed inDancing, Performance, or Drama mode, Amy will throw confetti that restores a nearby ally’s Mana, but does not affect Amy herself.

Muse does not possess this ability.

Lasting Lyrics

Whenever the switch command X is used and converted to Dancing, Performance, or Drama, a small defense buff is given to the entire party for 20 seconds. Her Skill Tree can enhance the buff’s duration anddefense.

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