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Arme Glenstid

Special Ability

Black/White Magic

Arme is unique for having two sets of skills: Black and White Magic, giving her a total of six skills rather than the usual three. This allows for even more choices and strategic use to confuse the opponent, as well as more devastation. Black Magic mostly focuses on debuffs and destructive abilities while White Magic is mostly comprised of buffs but is otherwise still lethal.

Ronan, with the except of Spell Knight, also possesses this ability, although his “Black Magic” is renamed to “Spell Sword”. Likewise, Amy and Ryan as Vanquisher have Stances, but unlike Black/White Magic, in addition to more skills they also get an entirely new moveset.


Status Meditation2

Whenever Arme stands still for a few seconds, she will regenerate Mana while saying, “The Holy Light will lead us!”.

Warlock previously lacked this ability before Eternal, because mana was considered a “flaw” to them.

As a Battle Mage, she cannot use Meditation while in the Fatal stance because she needs to lean on the staff to support her in said mode.


Arme Dash

All of Arme’s dashes are teleportation, allowing her to “phase” through most obstacles or an enemy. During this state, she is intangible and impervious to damage, allowing her to not only warp through targets but makes her nearly invincible.

Spawning Mana

Whenever Arme’s classes spawn in a battlefield, she will always have one and a half of the MP bar already full. This gives her a major advantage, allowing her to instantly dish out damage in which the enemy has no defense to or summon protective barriers.

Ironically, even Warlock has this, despite the “flaw”.

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